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September Birthstone Story

The rainbow of colors for the September birthstone is what makes this gemstone special and unique. It's one of the most popular gemstones available and is also a favorite choice for bridal jewelry. Learn more about the September birthstone meaning, history, care directions and go-to shopping ideas.

What is the September Birthstone?

The birthstone for September is one you might have seen a lot. You may recognize its striking blue color. Contrary to common knowledge, the sapphire birthstone comes in many colors besides blue. The birthstone can be found in colors like green, pink, yellow, orange, violet and white, also called colorless. The sapphire symbolizes power and is said to reveal secrets. In addition to being September's birthstone, the sapphire gemstone is also used to celebrate the 5th and the 45th wedding anniversaries.

Sapphire Stone: A Rich and Colorful History

Its name comes from the Greek word "sappheiros," and yes, that means sapphire. When most people think of the sapphire, they think of the common blue variety. It is the most popular variety used in jewelry and other representations. The blue sapphire can be referred to as Kashmir Sapphire, Ceylon Sapphire or Cornflower Blue Sapphire - but don't brush off the array of different sapphire colors.

All of the other variations of sapphire are known as "fancy" sapphires, as they create a rainbow of gorgeous jewelry options. Because the blue sapphire is the most popular, sapphire often refers to the blue sapphire. When speaking of the other varieties, the color is usually specified.

Rubies and sapphires are identical in all of their fundamental properties except color. They come from the same mineral. If the mineral is red, it's a ruby. Any other color other than red is considered a sapphire, such as the popular blue variety, green, pink and colorless.

An Enchanting Birthstone with Unique Features

Sapphires come from places such as Madagascar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Australia. Even though the blue sapphire is the most favored, the most expensive and rare sapphire is the pink-orange padparadscha from Sri Lanka. The name padparadscha means "lotus flower" in the language Singhalese, which is the language spoken in Sri Lanka.

In general, the sapphire gemstone is sought-after due to its color, hardness, durability and luster. The only gemstone harder than it is the diamond. In the jewelry world, the sapphire birthstone is one of the big three colored gemstones – the other two being ruby and emerald.

When it comes to sapphires, the more intense the color, the more valuable the gemstone usually is. The most favored blue sapphire color is a velvety blue to violet-blue, in a rich, darker tone.

September Birthstone History

You'll find this deep, captivating gemstone all throughout history, and it is also a notable gemstone in fashion and today's pop culture. But we'll get to that in a moment. Historically, the sapphire birthstone has decorated royalty and clergy members for centuries. In this same context, the sapphire birthstone has always been associated with royalty and romance.

The kings and queens of ancient Greece and Rome believed that sapphire protected them against envy and harm. During the Middle Ages, the clergy wore the blue sapphire variety to represent heaven. Others believed that the sapphire would attract blessings from heaven. Throughout history, the sapphire birthstone was said to symbolize power, make peace, influence spirits and reveal the secrets of oracles.

Sapphire Stone is a Modern and Sophisticated Choice

Today, the sapphire birthstone is a prominent symbol of nobility, truth, faithfulness and sincerity. Often times, you'll find sapphires of various colors integrated into distinct jewelry pieces, like bridal jewelry. The use of the sapphire birthstone represents loyalty and commitment in a relationship.

Although it was always famous, two iconic events heightened the September birthstone's fame. The first was the engagement of Prince Charles and Lady Diana whose engagement ring included this incredible gemstone. The second was the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton whose engagement ring was formerly Princess Diana's engagement ring.

Sapphire Cleaning and Care

The Sapphire is one tough beauty! It measures a 9 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means the gemstone is sturdy enough for any jewelry setting. For cleaning your sapphire, you can use warm, soapy water. Because the gemstone is so durable, it's also fine to use an ultrasonic or steam cleaner for your sapphire gemstone. The only concern would be storing your sapphire near softer stones because they may get scratched or damaged. It is recommended to put your sapphire jewelry in a small bag or box when stored near other jewelry.

Shop September Birthstones

If you're looking for the official September birthstone, look no further than Zales. Zales has a wide variety of sapphire birthstones ranging from classic sapphire blue to pink. Check out our sapphire jewelry page or stop by your local Zales today.

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